Friday, April 20, 2012

Iphone Phenomenon

Tons of Thais waiting for buying Iphone 3G at DTAC 3G Expo '11
Thailand has many absurd things, not excluding people. The best example is, I think, the “the Iphone 3G Phenomenon.” Basically, the iPhone 3G is different from the iPhone 3 merely because of a 3G network that allows people to be able to use the Internet anywhere. However, even before there was a 3G network in Thailand, the first day the iPhone 3G went on sale, all of them were completely sold out. Many Bangkokians just threw their iPhone 3 away and bought their new iPhone 3G without 3G network to use. Similarly, two years after that, as Thailand was still developing a reliable 3G system, when the iPhone 4 came out, it sold out immediately. The real reason why Thai people had this absurd behavior has just been clarified to me recently after talking with many of my Thai friends who are, of course, iPhone 4 lovers. Their true reason of using the iPhone is just because they love to be fashion-forward. The iPhone have become a fashionable gadget for Thais that represent how “hip” they are. Regardless of the high price (25,000 Thai Bath) or the unpractical function, Bangkokians feel very proud when they are holding this “updated” little useless gadget in their hands among their friends and co-workers. So, if I want to go back and work in a Thai company this year, I may have to buy the upcoming iPhone5 very soon, for I do not want to be an absurd person in their eyes.


  1. That is an interesting phenomenon. Apple must love Thailand!

  2. It wasn't different from starving kids in Africa, Lame Thais T T
